Dr Kaukab Siddique
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siddiquekaukab@lincoln.edu     butshikan@msn.com
(484) 746 - 9205  |  4624 York Rd     Baltimore MD 21212-4726

Department of English
Feature Writing ENG-331
Professor: Dr. Kaukab Siddique, University Hall Room 301-1
Office Extension: 3515 Email address: ksidd37398@aol.com
Conference Hours: 1 to 2 pm T-Th

Course Prerequisites: ENG 309, or permission of the instructor. Ability to use the internet as a research tool, and fmailiarity with Microsoft Office Suite, including email.

Course Description and Goals:

ENG 331 prepares students to write feature stories on a wide spectrum of subjects. The course analyses the structural components of feature writing, provides the tools for this kind of writing, and gives context and meaning to it. Students are taught how to observe, do the field research, to interview subjects, how to acquire photographs.

Required Text:
The Essential Feature: Writing for Magazines and Newspapers by Vicky Hay.
Columbia, University Press, 2001
The Art and Craft of Feature Writing by William E. Blundell, Plume Publisher, 2001

Required Materials:
Personal Computer (Option: Access to university computers)
Camera (Optional)

Attendance Policy:
Students are expected to attend classes regularly and to be on time. University and Department policy permits three hours of excused absences for a three hour course. Absences in excess of three hours must be documented (e.g. by a doctors' note) and, at the discretion of the teaching faculty, may result in a lowered grade.
The Americans with Disabilities Act requires faculty member to make reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Disabled students are invited to consult the professor about any condition that could affect their learning.

Course Requirements:
Four feature articles written in class after doing fieldwork. Professional writers develop their skills through practice. No one assignment will determine the grade, though improvement is expected as the student exercises the various skills of a journalist. Paper grades are based on source selection, thoroughness, information gathering, accuracy, conciseness, clarity and fairness.
Four articles written out-of-class, including required interviews and photographs.
7 quizzes covering the reading assignments, AP style and current events. Students are expected to read the Philadelphia Inquirer (in the library and journalism lounge) and the Lincolnian, and to watch the evening news. Missed quizzes are an automatic zero. If you are late to class, you receive a zero on the quiz.
Oral Report. Each student will be assigned two 1-3 minute oral reports on a topic related to course material.
Class Participation. Students should consider the classroom a newsroom - and use it to discuss issues both with colleagues and their professor before preparing an article.
Portfolio. Students are required to prepare a complete portfolio of their work in order to receive a final passing grade for the course. The portfolio includes materials written for the course, and may include both graded and revised versions of at least eight assignments.

Late Policy: Papers are due at the beginning of class. Because students are held to the same standard as professional reporters, late papers will not be accepted, even if they're just a minute late. Papers may be submitted through email as an attachment, but only if the student is planning to miss class on that day.

Integrity Statement/Plagiarism: See University Integrity Statement at
www.Lincoln.edu .

Calculation of Grades:
Midterm Grades:
Writing Assingments 40%
Quizzes 40%
Oral Report 10%
Midterm Exam 10%

Final Grade:
Writing Assingments 40%
Quizzes 30%
Portfolio Presentation 10%
Oral Reports 10%
Final Exam 10%

Reading and Assingment Schedule
Week 1 Introduction, materials, deadline, groups-to-be-formed. E.F. pages 1-15
Week 2 Samples of feature writing from newspapers and magazines. ACFW 1-25
Week 3 Ground work and research context for feature writing. E.F. 65-100
Week 4 Preparation for feature #1. Basic model. Out-of-class Feature #1 due.
Week 5 Feature #2 completed in class. ACFW 30-50
Week 6 Feature writing on mundane subjects based on press releases.
Out-of-class Feature #3 due.
Week 7 Profiles of ordinary people. Mid-term exam. (Second out-of-class paper)
Week 8 Turning ordinary information into exciting features. ACFW 50-57
Week 9 Intro to advanced feature writing. E.F. 100-155
Week 10 In-class feature #5 due. Based on profile of an ordinary person.
Week 11 Feature writing and the use of photographs. ACFW 80-110
Week 12 Feature writing on sensitive (race/gender/class) issues. E.F. 170-195
Out-of-class Feature #6 due.
Week 13 In-class feature #7 due on a controversial issue. ACFW 120-155
Week 14 Features related to technological and specialized subjects.
Feature #8 due.
Week 15 Revision.
Week 16 Final Examination.